Educational Support Departments » Library » Resources


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Library Catalog/look up books and due dates
In Clever 

Learning Ally
One stop spot for all resources tagged in CleverClever
Practice ACT/SAT/AP tests

Multi-search informationRefdesk CitationsPurdue Owl
Cameron's Collection Enviromental IssuesGale Interactive ScienceGale science
eBooksGale eBooks

Finding Books Online 



Project Gutenberg offers hundreds of free eBooks in the public domain (meaning their copyright has expired.)

Project Gutenberg




 open library

Create an account to access Open Library, where you can check out fiction titles.

Open Library


KC Library

If you have a public library card, go here first and explore all their eBook & audiobook options

Kern County E-Library


Online Citation Creators: 
 Academic Search Engines
Index of educational literature and published works, from multiple formats and disciplines.
Sweet Search has multiple search engines for different topics like science, social studies, biographies, and history.
Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine. Think of it as Google for Math.