Special Education

MODERATE/SEVERE: Classes are designed to provide an environment, which includes many skills needed for daily living. Reading, math, writing, and vocational education, as well as, integration into the school setting are infused into this curriculum.

MATH 1 & 2: These courses are designed to enable the student to use all previously learned math skills and apply them to real-life situations. This course helps students progress at an individual pace to enter the general education curriculum as possible.

RESOURCE ENGLISH: This course is designed to enable students to improve their English skills. Various teaching methods, including the KHSD ACCESS Program, will be used to enable students to acquire appropriate English skills.

TRANSITION/RESOURCE STUDY SKILLS: This course is designed to provide strategies that students can use to improve study habits, test taking skills, and note taking. Class allows students a setting in which to get help with other classes on campus. Strategies for transition to post secondary placement are addressed as well.

MOBILITY CLASS: The Liberty High School Mobility program is an activity-based curriculum designed to teach individuals basic functional motor skills. These skills allow students to enjoy a more inclusive life-style. It combines natural body movement with an instructional process designed to help students acquire increasing amounts of independence in sitting, standing, and walking.