


Name Phone Students Email Meeting Request
Cecilia Racicot 65122 A - De (Foster) [email protected]  Link 
Heather Graham 65123 Dh - F (Supports) [email protected]  Link 
Kerri Ussery 65114 G - L [email protected]  Link 
Ryane Poulton 65124 M-Ri [email protected]  Link 
Sylvia Morales 65126 Ro - Z (EL) [email protected]  Link 
Jennifer Ayres 65125 PLTW [email protected]  Link 
Jordan Lewis 65010 Guidance Tech [email protected]  Link


Liberty High School’s Guidance Department believes that every student has the right to the most challenging education available. The counselor’s role in the educational process is to offer academic and career guidance and personal and social counseling. Our primary role is to challenge the potential of every student and guide them toward appropriate educational and career choices, and to act as a liaison among school, student, parent, and community.


Students will be provided with services to help them make decisions regarding their personal, social, educational, and career development. Student growth is evidenced by Liberty High School’s Expected Schoolwide Learning Results.


“The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches,
but reveal to them their own”

– Benjamin Disraeli


FRESHMAN YEAR: Every student will receive assistance in making the transition from eighth to ninth grade and in defining a four-year educational and career plan. Students will be acquainted with graduation and college entrance requirements. Students will be introduced to career assessment inventories and assisted in opening an electronic portfolio.


SOPHOMORE YEAR: Every student will receive assistance in expanding their electronic portfolio by exploring career goals and developing a career plan based on interests, experience, and achievement. Students will be provided information on preparing for and taking appropriate standardized tests. Students and their parents will receive assistance in reviewing student progress in accordance with the requirements of Senate Bill 813.


JUNIOR YEAR: Every student will receive continued assistance in the development of an educational and career plan utilizing their electronic portfolio. Every student will review and refine their four-year plan in relationship to personal achievement and interests. Students and parents will be provided information regarding college selection, college entrance requirements and placement tests, standardized tests including ACT and SAT, and early outreach programs.


SENIOR YEAR: Every student will receive assistance in meeting graduation requirements and achieving their post-secondary college and career plans. High-risk students will receive additional, and early, intervention and assistance. Students will use the information in their electronic portfolio to actively pursue their college and career plans. Students and parents will be provided with college, testing, scholarship, and financial aid information. Students will receive assistance with an online college, scholarship, and financial aid applications.