Patriot Family,
Homecoming at Liberty is second to none, and this year's theme is PATS: World Tour! It's a busy week at Liberty, culminating in an exciting half-time display at Friday's football game (arrive early) in the stadium.
Last Friday was the end of first quarter. You should see updated grades in Synergy this week and report cards will be mailed home at the end of the week.
Liberty's homecoming week is a highlight of our year and another opportunity for students to get involved in campus activities. Have a great week!
Kenny Seals Principal [email protected]
Homecoming Week (Oct. 14 - 18)
Food Sale Day
Senior Photo Make-Up Day On Campus
Homecoming Dress Up Days
This is homecoming week with dress up days, float building, activities at lunch, a food sale day on Wednesday, and a rally on Friday.
Homecoming Shirts (Limited Supply - $25 Cash)
Students wear the HOCO shirts on Friday. There will be a limited supply of homecoming shirts for sale ($25 cash only) for students who did not pre-order them beginning Wednesday at lunch at the finance office window.
Daily Bulletin Available Online
The daily announcements read to all 2nd period classes are available on our website. This Daily Bulletin includes information about club meetings, upcoming events, and scholarship opportunities. The link can be found under the resources tab of our website menu or by clicking this news story.
ParentVUE App Allows Parents to View Grades
The Synergy ParentVUE app allows parents to monitor their student's grades and attendance. If you have your student's 6 digit UID (student number) and birthdate you can set up your account remotely. In addition, Mrs. Cavazos in the parent center can also help you in person, over the phone, or via email.
Link to Your Student's Canvas as a Parent Observer
Canvas is a Learning Management System that many teachers use to post assignments, collect assignments, and display grades. It is also a great location for students who are absent to find out what they missed. Parents can access their student's classes via Canvas to see the same information students see: announcements, assignments, and graded assignments.