
Another Amazing Formal in the Books

Liberty’s winter formal, “Midnight in Manhattan,” last weekend drew 1,170 students at the Mechanics Bank Arena. 

“The evening was great,” Activities Director Brooke Slayton said. “Kids danced the night away.” 

The dance lasted from 8 to 11 p.m., and while most students were from Liberty, about 100 came from other local high schools. 

Planning for the formal started in September as senior ASB leadership students did the planning, setting up of decorations, choosing entertainment, and cleaning up after the event.  

“The seniors gathered quotations from companies to get competitive bids, brainstormed the theme and design for all areas of the arena, including entrance, check-in, entertainment area, stage, ceiling drape, and table centerpieces,” Mrs. Slayton said. 

The room was decorated with tea lights, fairy lights, and disco balls. No food was served, but there was a “candy bar” and water as refreshments.